Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vision Board

Following your passion is quiet an adventure and most people find that although the intentions are great, it's the being able to keep doing it that runs thin after a while.

I have found what works for me is to make a VISION BOARD. 
I use a cork board and on that I pin photo's, pictures and notes of all the things I want to focus on.

The idea of this is to help you focus on what it is you would like to achieve or acquire this year.
Surround yourself with sensory input such as the pictures and by looking at this board every day it helps you to stay inspired. 

Add to the board as you go and ones you've achieved something or acquired something, take that picture of and there will be room again for something else.

I even hang a little butterfly ornament on mine because a butterfly is about transformation.

Now the biggest mistake most of us make is that we automatically start thinking of how are we going  to pay for those things. That is a big no no. 
The idea of this board is that you focus on the items/things and NOT on the monetary value of it!

TRUST that it will come to you without asking how! It's all in the intent/focus and I can honestly say that in the last few years everything I've had on my board has come to fruition.
The moment I let go of "how do I pay for this" was the moment it all fell into place!


  1. I have always believed in theses and have to say that they have always worked for me as well.

    I did one on line in a Yuku profile a few years ago and everything I put on it came to me one after the other.

  2. Same here Sandy and I too have had everything on my list come to me.

  3. Makes me almost wish I had a desire, just so I could try it out! LoL I love the philosophy of The Law Of Attraction...manifesting our own existence to our own specifications.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi NutBar and with this vision board one doesn't have to have items/things on there. It can be anything and the idea is that we stop limiting ourself. For example if one wants to have a more relaxed life; find an image of something relaxing and put that on the board. Don't question how you're going to get it but just focus on it and let the rest go.
